Where Is The Slot In Hockey
- In hockey, the slot is the area on the hockey rink directly ahead of the goaltender between the faceoff circles on each side. It is sometimes referred to as the 'scoring area'. The Slot in Hockey. The 'deep' or 'high' slot refers to the area from the top of the circles.
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Oct 24, 2018 This chart reveals the area where most goals are scored in the game of hockey. The dark green area (net/slot zones) is a prime scoring area. Goals scored in the dark green area result from some of the following offensive tactics: puck deflection by a player standing in the green area; wrap around by a player coming from behind the net.
The most basic unit of offence in hockey is the shot and so I have made a great manycharts showing how efficiently teams generate shots in a wide variety of situations. For thepurposes of making shot maps, I use 'shot' to mean any unblocked shot; that is, a shot whichis missed, saved, or scored. If I had access to shot location data for blocked shots I wouldalmost certainly include them also, but I do not.

Team Charts
5v5 Offence
The most basic version shows where a team generates shots from, like San Jose in 2017-2018.Charts like this, with the net at the top, show offence, that is, this is shots takenby the Sharks. Since every team shoots primarily from close to the net and the points,charts that show absolute rates of shots are not very interesting. Therefore, I compute howmuch more often (or less often) a team shoots from a given spot than an NHL average team in that same season. For 5v5 play, like the above chart:- Regions from which a team generates more than the league average rate of shots are shown in red;
- Regions from which a team generates less than the league average rate of shots are shown in blue;
- Regions from which a team generates shots at the league average rate of shots are shown in white;
On the one hand, the Sharks had one of that season's better 5v5, offenses but in fact the numberof excess shots is not very many. For instance, the red area in the slot is perhaps around200 square feet (notice the reference circle for area in the bottom right) and so the excess shotsfrom that area is about one per hour of 5v5 play. Such an advantage is non-trivial, of course, sincesuch shots are dangerous, but one must also keep in mind that the spread of performance results inthe NHL is quite small.
Where Is The Slot In Hockey Hall Of Fame
Because some of the later charts can be based on relatively few minutes, I decorate every shotmap with the number of minutes shown; for a team in a full season the number is very large.For maps like this, the natural unit of measurement is the rate of shots. However, as we know,not every shot from a given location is equally dangerous, even before we arrive at the questionof how talented the shooter or the goalie may be. Any number of factors may affect the danger of ashot, like the shot type, if it was or was not a rebound or on the rush, and so on. Carefullyweighting these factors results in an 'expected goal' probability for every shot; I have createdsuch an expected goal model, described here. However, these non-locationfactors are not so easy to display in a simple two-dimensional map. To accomplish this, I havecreated another expected goals model, without these non-location factors; includingonly the skater strength state and the shot location. I call this 'simplified' expected goalsmodel 'xG0'. For every shot, I compute the xG and also the xG0 and computetheir ratio. A relatively dangerous shot from a given location (a rebound, say) will have a high ratio (perhaps as high as 1.5 or so), and a relatively less dangerous shot from the same location will have a lower ratio, perhaps as low as 0.7 or thereabouts. I use these ratios to weight theshots in the map, so that teams who consistently take fewer but more dangerous shots can beproperly compared with teams that take more but less dangerous shots.
The total expected goal rate is shown in the neutral zone, together with the relative changefrom league average xG rate for the league that season. Here, the Sharks offenceproduced shots with an average danger of 2.55 goals per hour, which was three percent more goalsper hour than the league average rate.
5v5 Defence
Charts like this, with the net at the bottom, show defence, that is, this is shots takenby the opponent of Minnesota in 2017-2018. Here, just as before, red means 'more than average',and blue means 'less than average', so the large blue regions close to the net show Minnesota'sexcellent 5v5 team defence in this season.5v4 Offence
Where Is The Slot In Hockey

I also make charts to show power-play shot rates; they are easy to distinguish from the 5v5 chartsbecause of their different colour schemes: here pink/purple means 'more than average', while greenmeans 'less than average'. The notion of 'average' here of course is 5v4 average, and the scale isalso doubled, since the variance in power-play shot rates is larger than in 5v5 shot rates.
In this example, Washington's extremely Ovechkin-dependent powerplayfrom 2017-2018 shows a heavy asymmetry, with a big hotspot from his usual 'spot'. Crucially,the expected goal values are computed assuming league average shooting and goaltending talent.The xG value here of 6.99, slightly worse than league average. In point offact very nearly all of the shots in the left-circle blob are taken by Ovechkin himself, one of thebest shooters in the league, which explains why the Washington observed goal rates considerablyexceed the computed xG.
4v5 Defence
Finally, I also make charts for the shots allowed by a team while short-handed, with the samecolourscheme as the power-play offence charts above: pink/purple for 'more than average', greenfor 'less than average'. Here, New Jersey's penalty-kill from 2017-2018 allowed fewer shots than theleague-average penalty-kill did from immediately in front of their net, with a small increase in shotsin the high slot.
2017-18 Season: Week 12
QUESTION: If there is a delayed offsides and a player of the team who has the delayed offsides dumps the puck into the zone well clear of the goalie and the opposing player deflects the puck and it goes into the net, is it a good goal?
ANSWER: Strictly speaking a team cannot be awarded a goal during a delayed off-sides situation regardless of how the puck was shot, directed, or deflected into the goal.
QUESTION: Team A's goalie looses his stick and it slides in the corner. A Team B attacking player loses his stick in the slot at the top of the crease. Team A's goalie picks up Team B's players stick off the ice and proceeds to play his position with it until the puck clears the zone. Team B player skated to the bench and did not attempt to regain control of his stick at at point.
ANSWER: Assuming the Team B player who lost his stick does not try to retrieve it then this play would be considered legal (USAH Rule 625(a)6). However, Interference would apply if the player tries to retrieve their stick but the opposing goalkeeper takes it away.
QUESTION: Several times in this season, an attacking player on a breakaway has ended up crashing into my goalkeeper within the crease. In most cases the player is out of control and even loses control of the puck not even getting a shot on goal before contact. The first few times that I noticed it, I immediately thought a penalty should have been called for interfering with the goalkeeper. But there was no whistle, and I didn’t notice any of the other parents showing a concern.
ANSWER: An attacking player may not make any avoidable contact with the goalkeeper who is stationed in their crease. Therefore, an attacker cannot recklessly skate to the goal and knock the goalkeeper over as they attempt to score. Rule 607(c) is very clear about this rule.
Furthermore, if an injury results from this contact the attacking player must be assessed a major plus game misconduct.
QUESTION: It has recently come to my attention that a person claiming to be a coach of a particular program is not listing himself on the game sheet. I confirmed that he is NOT the one listed as the head coach, and not even listed as one of the four coaches on the game sheet. Is there any rule reference that needs to be applied here? Is this an issue for the League, Team program, or can a USA hockey rule be applied?
ANSWER: Rule 505(a) in the USA Hockey Playing Rules states,
“Prior to the start of the game, the Official Scorer shall obtain on the scoresheet the signatures of all coaches of each team, one of whom shall be designated as Head Coach, along with the CEP card number, CEP level and the year the CEP level was attained for each coach.”
In other words, all team officials should be properly registered with the USA Hockey Coaching Education Program prior to stepping behind the bench. This assures a properly registered coach is present to take control if the Head Coach must leave due to penalties, illness, or injury. If there is an unregistered coach behind the bench during a game, the game official should report the incident to his Local Supervisor of Officials who will work with the Local CEP support staff and Hockey Association to correct the problem.
QUESTION: What are the rules regarding running clock with each level? Where do I find that information?
ANSWER: USA Hockey does not have any rules regarding “mercy rules” or “running clocks”. These types of rules are left to the local governing body (Local Hockey Association, Leagues, etc.) who schedules and pays for ice to decide. Therefore we strongly recommend contacting them.